Monday, February 1, 2010

There is no harm in repeating a good thing.

After watching parts of Groundhog's Day today (which BTW has been on TV 3 times in the last week), I was thinking about repeating a day in my life. Obviously Bill Murray's character didn't get to pick the day he repeated. But what if we could pick a day to live over and over again? Like that one book you'd take with you to a deserted island, what day in your life could you experience over and over again.

Would you pick a really good day to live out over and over, or would you maybe pick a day that you could make better?

One day in my life I'd love to live again, at least for a while anyway, would be Friday, April 4, 2008. On this day I was traveling the islands and highlands of Scotland as part of a small tour group. In reading The Following Story I found a line that spoke so specifically to me and to that day in Scotland, I'll never forget it.
I looked at the others, my rare friends whom I had not chosen. We were each other's chance cortege; I belonged with them as they belonged with me.
There were about 16 of us, from all over the world, US, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, and all over Europe. That day we had sun, rain, sun, sleet, sun, snow, and more sun. We bonded quickly, our ragtag little group being led by one of the funniest, craziest, kindest, and most entertaining guys I've ever met.

That day ended on the Isle of Skye. On the bridge to the village, the sky suddenly opened up and presented us with this view for no more than 20 seconds as the clouds shifted and trees enveloped us once across the bridge.

This sunset felt like a gift. A reminder that moments like this are not frequent, enjoy it! Half the group tried to get their cameras out in time for a shot but I was the only one to capture the perfection of the moment.

Kyleakin was our temporary home, a village so small we had dinner in the only pub with a few of the locals. Delicious seafood was followed by Guinness, tequila shots, dancing until closing with local fishermen, and an epic snowball fight on the way home. We solidified our friendships over travel tales and a great local Scotch in front of the fireplace of our cottage until late into the night.

I think that my mates and I could all live that day quite a few more times before we got tired of it!!

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